
Year 2002

Contents of SPOTMATIC magazine 2002

Number 34 - October 2002

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page   4 Prototype & pre-production lenses
page 11 Asahi "The Rising Sun"
page 12 SMC Pentax M lenses between chronicle and history
page 20 As seen in eBay auctions
page 22 On test: SMC Pentax-FA 31mm f/1.8 AL Limited
page 28 Photokina 2002
page 32 Pentax Photo Annual and Pentax Calendar 2003
AOHC Calendar 2003
page 33 Pentax in the movies

page 34


page 35

New Espio 24EW Date
Authors: D. Bonazza, D. Cecchi, C. Lastrucci.

Number 33 - July 2002

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page   4 Repronars
page 13 Asahiflex, Asahi Pentax and Pentax SLRSLR
Acronym of "Single Lens Reflex". See also "Reflex"
cameras 1952-2002
page 16 On test: six 28mm/35mm lenses compared
page 23 7th Pentax Day in Florence: the report
page 28 7th Pentax Day in Florence: the pictures
page 35 eBay auctions
page 36 On test: Pentax Optio 230
page 43 Replacing mercury batteries
page 43 Made in Africa: a photo exhibition
page 44 Pentax News: Optio 330RS/430RS
page 44 Casio clones
page 45 Asahi Opt. Co. becomes Pentax Corporation
page 45

Pentax News: Espio 120 SWII

page 46

Pentax patents: possible preview of new technology developments

page 47

Authors: D. Bonazza, P. Cook, S. Gremigni, C. Lastrucci.

Number 32 - April 2002

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page   4 A brief history of the Asahi Optical Corporation
page   9 Pentax 10 million
page 10 Before the Asahiflex
page 13 eBay auctions
page 14 VIP: Michael Reichmann
page 16 Pentax 67II
page 23 Pentax and Optiscan announce a joint venture
Pentax opens a new design center in Tokyo
page 24 Camera fairs 2002
page 25 Pentax News: Digibino DB100
page 26 Pentax News: Optio 230
page 27 Pentax News: MZ-60
Pentax News: 33-55 and 55-110 for the 645NII
page 29 PhotoShow 2002
page 33

Disassembled cameras
5% off to AOHC members

page 34


page 35

Boccalini and Romano's exhibit: "Solitude"
Authors: Asahi Opt. Co. Ltd., D. Bonazza, M.Reichmann, D.White.

Number 31 - January 2002

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page   4 The future of repairs
page   5 API Seals
page 14 SMC Pentax-M 1.4/35mm
page 15 "New" old information about SMC
page 17
page 19
page 20
eBay auctions: Screw mount era equipment
eBay auctions: Bayonet mount era equipment
eBay auctions: 6x7 equipment
page 21 As seen at Novegro Photo Cine
page 22 The three faces of the Triotar
page 26 On test: Pentax Optio 330
page 31 Book by Paolo Cortesi
page 32 Pentax News: Pentax MZ-6 and FA Zoom 28-90
page 33 Seven Pentax products awarded in Japan
Espio 170SL awarded in Australia
page 34 Single-use digital camera
Pentax Annual and Pentax Calendar 2002
page 35 Full format digital SLR abandoned
Authors: D. Bonazza, D. Cecchi, P. Cook.


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